Need a guest teacher?
The Following are the subjects and workshops I enjoy teaching.
(note for yoga or fitness please go here.)
Stress Reduction
I combine mindfulness, breathwork, creativity, and more in reducing and managing life stressors.
Motivation and Behavior
Changing our behavior is tough. Let me teach and guide you on how motivation works, how to hack our environment to support low motivation days and more.
Illness Management
Millions of people around the world are left defenseless and uncertain when a chronic illness or condition strikes. Learn from my journey, and speed up the process towards recovery and reducing symptoms
Art! DUH!
It would be pretty weird if I did not teach art huh? Well I like to teach art in a way that is compassionate, and builds a budding or established artists self esteem and self efficacy.
Career Development
I specialize in transitional youth and young adult career coaching. Age 16-early 30's can be a very scary time. There is so much to learn! Let me help you.
Matieral Creation
No matter the subject matter, if you need a concept taught in a beautiful and easy to understand way, that is one of my superpowers. Let's talk and soon you will have the best teaching materials, promise.